
Automated Hematology Analyzer

BC-5390 CRP/BC-5310 CRP

1 Tube Solution for CBC+DIFF and CRP

Combining the advanced technology of hematology analysis and latex immunoturbidimetry, BC-5390 CRP/BC-5310 CRP requires only 35μl blood from a single blood tube, to simultaneously provide results of WBC 5-part differentiation and FR-CRP at a throughput speed of 60 samples/hour.


C-reactive protein (CRP) is an important diagnostic parameter to detect inflammation, monitor progress of inflammatory process or effectiveness of therapeutic treatment. The availability of CRP and WBC parameter data simultaneously can help with prompt differentiation of bacterial infections from viral infections.




Dual CRP Analysis Channels for High Throughput

Dual CRP analysis channels working together save waiting time of consecutive tests between hematology and CRP test, enabling a CBC+DIFF+CRP throughput of up to 60 samples per hour, which is the fastest in the industry for the same mode of measurement.


Latex Immunoturbidimetric Technology

Advanced and proven Latex Immunoturbidimetric technology plus two reagents can well guarantee the analyzing accuracy in fast dual-channel CBC+DIFF+CRP test.


Powerful reagent

New powerful reagent improves the 5-part WBC differentiation ability (especially in samples with high number of Eosinophils) and ability to process aged samples (maintained at ambient temperatures for up to 24 hours)


NRBC parameters and flag

BC-5390 CRP/BC-5310 CRP can flag “NRBC” research parameters called NRBC# and NRBC%, which represent respectively the number and ratio of the nucleated red blood cells, facilitating doctors with important diagnostic inferences.


Capillary whole blood mode
Capillary whole blood mode offers convenient analysis of pediatric and geriatric blood samples.


Thermostat storage and RF technology
Built-in thermostat (2-8℃) storage conveniently keeps the CRP latex reagent in refrigerated state, even after the analyzer is turned off, eliminating need for external storage.


Individual CRP mode
Individual CRP test mode helps save hematology reagents on samples that need only CRP analysis.


NLR parameter in each CBC+DIFF
Neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio (NLR) is calculated by dividing neutrophil count by lymphocyte count, usually from peripheral blood sample.
In laboratory medicine, NLR is used as a marker of subclinical inflammation.
According to clinical studies, NLR can be used as a prognostic factor of severe illness in COVID-19 patients.?

